SERVICES FOR ORGANISATIONS Bruce Young and Associates can deliver value to organisations in any of the following roles o INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ADVISOR o BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICES o INDEPENDENT COMPANY DIRECTOR depending on the most cost effective way of delivering results and value to the client, depending on the circumstances of the enterprise, the shareholders, and management, at the time of the engagement of Bruce Young and Associates INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ADVISOR & BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICES The services that offer most value to organisations vary according to a client’s particular circumstances, but the process that in our experience provides clarity on the most valuable opportunites is a process of o BUSINESS REVIEW These processes, outlined in detail below, can be used to deliver to our client, any, of a wide range of requirements our client may have such as; o A Proposal for External Financing or for Investor Purposes BUSINESS REVIEW: This is a review of past, current and forecast performance of the business, as it is currently operating. A key part of this process is establishing the shareholders intentions for their investment in the enterprise, and their appetite for less or more, investment , in the enterprise, and the degree of change the shareholders feel is appropriate to ensure long term increase in the shareholder wealth from the enterprise. CHANGE PLAN DEVELOPMENT: This is the process of focussing on what changes the company needs to make to its current “modus operadi”, prioritising those changes to the areas likely to provide the most important financial or strategic returns, from the issues discovered in the Business Review, and given the clarity of shareholders intentions resulting from the Business Review. The Change Plan is agreed with shareholders and key personnel as part of this process of determining “What to Do” not “How to Do It” ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT: This is the ”How to Do It” part of the process. Key personnel will have been involved in discussions with Bruce Young and Associates during the process to date and a series of Action Plans are then developed for the Actions Required to achieve the agreed Change Plan, and these Actions are then allocated to individual members of the team, and their individual commitment secured to their parts of the Action Plan. If team members need assistance to achieve their commitments under the Action Plan , the way this will be provided is agreed at this stage. Agreed milestones at tthis stage are necessary for success in the next phase of the process…… IMPLEMENTATION: The Action Plans are then implemented by the team and progress is monitored by team peer review, and by Bruce Young and Asssociates, with regular reporting back to Senior Management and Shareholders until agreed milestones are met. INDEPENDENT COMPANY DIRECTOR The Independent Company Director role is a longer term appointment where the client feels that value would be added to the enterprise by o Enhanced governance and decision making at the Board of Directors level, The Independent Company Director Role can be particularly effective in ensuring professional governance and effective company direction is maintained, where: o Some shareholders who are directly active in managing the company This is often the situation in family owned enterprises or closely held shareholder partnerships Bruce Young can fulfil these roles and ensure value in the enterprise is maintained and grows in accordance with agreed parameters. |